If you deploy your FMX application on Ubuntu 20.04 and you are using indy ssl interceptor, you will get “Could not load SSL library”. On Indy Server the error is: “EIdOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary: Could not load SSL library”. This problem is caused because Indy does not suppurt the lastest version of openSSL library. To avoid this…
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Xtumble library for Delphi Xtumble4Delphi is native delphi library, cross platform ( Windows, Android, iOS, macOSX, Linux64) that allow you to integrate all cloud functonalitty of the XTumble platform in your application. If you create an XTumble Account you can have a dedicated ERP, e-commerce, Cluod Drive, CRM Mail with SMTP and POS system in the cluod. Creating an…
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Con FMXLinux e le ultime versioni di Delphi è molto semplice realizzare un’applicazione Linux. L’oggetto di questo post è creare un’icona sul desktop e tra i preferiti per rendere lanciabile la vostra applicazione dal desktop di gnome. Nel mio caso ho realizzato un’applicazione POS (Point of Sale) demominata XtumbleRetail e devo creare l’applicazione launcher della…
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Impostazione credenziali in linea: if (mUsername <> ”) and (mPassword <> ”) then begin LCredentials := TCredentialsStorage.TCredential.Create (TAuthTargetType.Server, ”, mURL, ”, ”); LCredentials.Username := mUsername; LCredentials.Password := mPassword; NetHTTPClient1.CredentialsStorage.AddCredential(LCredentials); NetHTTPClient1.UseDefaultCredentials := false; end; Oppure con l’associazione all’evento di autenticazione della classe: procedure TForm3.NetHTTPClient1AuthEvent(const Sender: TObject; AnAuthTarget: TAuthTargetType; const ARealm, AURL: string; var AUserName, APassword:…
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If you purchased an IBTogo License, to use it inside you program you need to do : On Android / IOS : go to: https://reg.embarcadero.com/srs6/activation.do Insert your license code and serial and you can get reg_ibtogo.txt, after that you put this file in deployment of your project and the destiniation dir need to be /
In linux every adapter configuration has a file system path, for example the adapter eth0 has all configuration, in some text files located in “/sys/class/net/eth0/”. The file whose name is “address” contains a single line with the mac adrress value. function GetLinuxMacAddress(device_name : String): string; const linux_path = ‘/sys/class/net/%s/address’; var f : textfile; device, path,…
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