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+39 02 00704272

Categoria: Android

Digital Innovation Partner

Controllare se è disponiblie il Bluetooth Classic/LE sul tuo dispositivo android con Delphi

Dalla versione XE7 di Delphi sono disponibili i componenti per gestire Bluetooth Classico e LE. Con Firemonkey è abbastanza semplice creare anche un server bluetooth. Provando le mie applicazioni sul Raspberry PI3 dove Federico ha montato Marshmallow mi son accorto che se il BT non è disponibile sul device l’applicazione si schiantava. Per ovviare a…
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Firemonkey check screen orientation

To check with Delphi / Firemonkey if the screen is in Landscape or Portrait mode i use the FMXPlatform library as in the example:

Firemonkey bitmap scaling without Aliasing on Android

With Delphi , to the Seattle version , when you scale a bitmap image to enlarge using the command “Canvas.DrawBitmap(OiginalBitmap, RectF(0, 0, OiginalBitmap.Width, OiginalBitmap.Height), RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), 1, False);” the interpolation cant be disabled. A way to eliminate the problem is to manually scale the bitmap directly creating an image pixel by pixel .…
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Delphi 10Seattle – Estrarre la lingua del dispositivo

Here is a sample code (function) to get the current language (locale) in Delphi 10Seattle. This simple procedure return the locale language for Windows, Mac and Android.

[Android] how to import android contacts in your application

A very simple way to search, select and import contact information from your phone (Android Contacts) to your android app is: 1) Send the specific android intent “ACTION_PICK”:

This intent will do for us and “for free” the operation of opening the contacts list and select the contact to import. 2) Simply manage the…
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