Using JDBC with Oracle 10g i found this error : “ora 12519 tnsno appropriate service handler found”, today i found an article on Internet about. I only execute on apex query : ALTER SYSTEM SET PROCESSES=150 SCOPE=SPFILE; after that i restarted my Oracle10gXe server on my server, and all works well !!! incredible
Di questi tempi si parla tanto di virtualizzazione, in particolar modo applicata ai server, così che anche io ho deciso di utilizzare tale tecnologia per l’installazione di un web server. La configurazione scelta è la seguente: * Installazione di UBUNTU Server 9.10 minimale come HOST con installazione di VMWARE Server * Installazione di una macchina…
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[lang_en] To raise an Exception from a Trigger, Stored Procedure or Function without needing anything you can use the function : raise_application_error. Syntax : raise_application_error(<your exception integer code>, <your string description>); Per scatenare un eccezione da un Trigger o una Stored Procedure o una Funzione Oracle si può semplicemente utilizzare la funzione di sistema :…
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by using some simple view in Oracle you can extract a lot of information about your DB schema, some explicit samples : (assuming that MyDBOwner is the owner of the DB and ACTIVITY is a table of a schema, this sample is succesfully tested on Oracle 10g) — LIST OF USERS select OWNER,COUNT(DISTINCT TABLE_NAME) from…
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I just starting on using Oracle 10g …. how to 1 : how retrive a guid from Oracle select sys_guid() from dual; how to 2 : how retrive next value from a Sequence select [your sequence name].nextval into from dual ; how to 3 : Oracle db Link , how to manage sql between multiple…
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PLSQL is a world …. and Oracle an incredible RDBMS, so if you want to produce XML from query or manage XML inside your PLSQL Trigger or Procedure you can in different ways …. One of the most simple way is using the Oracle function to do that, like : SELECT sys_xmlgen(pk_id) from sellers; SELECT…
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