SmartFB is our internal tool to manage Firebird & Interbase databases, so we use smartFB instead IBExpert. SmartFB is a simple VCL program that we use to have an access to our databases in every PC and Virtual Machines where we not need a simple access to our databases. So we integrate in smartFB some…
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Charset encoding in Firebird 3.0, come è noto in un campo di una tabella di tipo varchar o char è possibile definire il tipo di encoding gestito, oppure non specificarlo. Tramite Firebird è possibile convertire il contenuto di tale campo da un charset ad un’altro semplicemente con l’istruzione SQL “cast”. Facciamo un esempio, nella mia…
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tested on Oracle XE 10g to make a simple bk from Oracle you can use dbms library like: create or replace directory dumpdir as ‘/home/[youruserpath]/’ /* ESPORTA DATI E METADATI DI UNO SCHEMA */ declare handle number; begin handle :=‘EXPORT’,’SCHEMA’); dbms_datapump.add_file(handle,'[destination_file_name].dmp’,’DUMPDIR’); DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file( handle => Handle, filename => ‘.log’, directory => ‘DUMPDIR’, filetype => DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_LOG_FILE…
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Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf #Restrict phpMyAdmin via IP address Order Deny,Allow Deny from All Allow from sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart GNU nano 2.2.6 File: /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf # phpMyAdmin default Apache configuration Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin An example of a full conf file, whereto we give full access to an entairly network addresses #Restrict…
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In questo Agosto Embarcadero annuncia la nuova versione del noto database relazione Interbase : Interbase 2019. Interbase è molto utilizzato dagli sviluppatori Delphi dato che in ambito multi piattaforma (iOS,Android,Windows,Mac OSX, Linux) credo sia l’unico database relazionale distribuibile anche su piattaforme iOS / Android, le versioni di interbase per la distribuzione in ambito mobile sono…
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Synaptica has always adopted Firebird as its main database environment for the realization of many solutions from embedded iot products to Web solutions with thousands of daily accesses. Firebird proved to be a great tool, flexible and easy to manage. For this reason we could not miss the appointment to meet the creators (Dmitry…
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