Via Cà Matta 2 - Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
+39 02 00704272

Autore: federico

Digital Innovation Partner

Buon Natale 2014!

Auguri di buon Natale e felice 2015 da tutto il team Synaptica!

Fix Broken Permalinks Moving WordPress

Very good!

Spettacolo linkify Android SDK

Boot in recovery mode an ubuntu server KVM virtual machine from a remote pc

Why you should need to restart a VM ubuntu 12.04 server on your KVM remote server? Simple: just miss an apparently innocuous command (in my case I needed to add a user to a group). Then I typed the command: sudo usermod -G mygroup myuser Unfortunately I forgot the “-a” option thus erasing all user…
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Tripkeep, trip tracking mobile app for Android, released

We proudly announce that Tripkeep, new mobile app by Synaptica, for Android has been released! The app is free and published worldwide. Check the google play url and the dedicated web site. Trip, track & pick, Tripkeep is a good traveling companion! With Tripkeep you can track your position without the need for account registration…
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Tomcat URI encoding configuration

The default configuration of Tomcat server includes the encoding charset ISO-8859-1. It often happens that web applications require instead frontend and backend using different character encodings, such as UTF-8. In these cases, reading and writing strings with special characters can be problematic… To change this default configuration just edit the server.xml configuration file (directory “conf”…
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