Era diverso tempo che cercavo un’alternativa valida a Tortoise per i sistemi Linux che girano per Synaptica e finalmente eccolo RabbitVCS , dal mio Ubuntu 10.04 a 64bit la procedura di installazione è stata immediata e si è integrato con il mio Nautilus subito dopo un bel riavvio del sistema. Il tool si presenta molto…
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I found this funny article on the Embarcadero blog, i agree on a lot of this predictions and i wanna share it, the original article can be found at :
Hi, The uptime is the percentage of time that one site is reachable, sometime uptime is a measure regulated by a contracts, in that case is important to track it. We need Hudson up and running with the SiteMonitor plugin installed. Every builds the site monitor checks if a site is up, if it is…
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This is a tutorial to have cpu of a server monitored via Hudson. Is intented to be a guide line, not all the aspect are detailed. To achieve this you need the following software installed: Hudson system working Hudson Plot Plugin, to install this, from your Hudson instance go to “Configure Hudson”>”Plugin” and search for…
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For only $450 milions , Novell will be acquired by Attachmate Corporation that is a consortium of technology companies organized by Microsoft Corporation. This is the official article : rgds ivan
Per avviare una macchina virtuale con VMWare player in linux è possibile se sul server remoto ovviamente è startato il gdm , è sufficiente connettersi in ssh ed esportare il display gdm sulla sessione tramite il comando :
1 |
user@server:~$ export DISPLAY=:0.0 gksudo gedit |
dopodichè bisogna avviare la macchina virtuale semplicemente :
1 |
user@server:~$ vmplayer |
a presto ivan