TantiAuguridi un feliceNatale e di un 2016ricco di idee e progetti! TeamSynaptica
Here is a sample code (function) to get the current language (locale) in Delphi 10Seattle. This simple procedure return the locale language for Windows, Mac and Android. function GetOSLangID: String; {$IFDEF MACOS} var Languages: NSArray; begin Languages := TNSLocale.OCClass.preferredLanguages; Result := TNSString.Wrap(Languages.objectAtIndex(0)).UTF8String; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ANDROID} var LocServ: IFMXLocaleService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXLocaleService, IInterface(LocServ)) then Result :=…
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Another update about TeamLab is available on google play store. This new version adds : 1 ) management of orders 2 ) display of the list of activities ( todo list) 3 ) and solves several problems of the previous version. TeamLab Mobile allows you to have all the data of TeamLab web always with…
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Hi developers! We’ve just released a new tool called Remode. Remode allows you to have a full remote control of your PC and/or Mac. When Remode Manager is up and running on your PC or Mac, you can use a simple browser or our Android App (Ios work in progress) to give commands. Android App…
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Questo post da stack overflow è veramente veramente utile a risparmiare molto tempo e decine di righe di codice! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28305745/textview-scrolling-is-resetting-when-i-update-a-different-textview-from-the-same Sostanzialmente la scroll animation su una TextView Android con scroll automatico orizzonatale (ellipsize marquee) viene resettata ogni qual volta cambia qualcosa nel layout in cui sono inserite se è impostata sulla textview una dimensione relativa…
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Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/Firebird.app/Contents/MacOS/firebird/ cd Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/Firebird.app/Contents/MacOS/ Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/Firebird.app/Contents/MacOS/firebird/libfbembed.dylib