Yesterday I found a simple application with Delphi source , here , that allows you to manage and search the applications installed on your Android device . To which I got the idea of trying to make a launcher for Android using a IMX6 card ( Cortex A8 ) to do the test. The thing…
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With that simple peace of code you can retrive the full list of all “FK” Foreign Key of an Interbase or Firebird DB. SELECT rc.RDB$CONSTRAINT_NAME AS constraint_name, i.RDB$RELATION_NAME AS table_name, s.RDB$FIELD_NAME AS field_name, i.RDB$DESCRIPTION AS description, rc.RDB$DEFERRABLE AS is_deferrable, rc.RDB$INITIALLY_DEFERRED AS is_deferred, refc.RDB$UPDATE_RULE AS on_update, refc.RDB$DELETE_RULE AS on_delete, refc.RDB$MATCH_OPTION AS match_type, i2.RDB$RELATION_NAME AS references_table, s2.RDB$FIELD_NAME…
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Con Delphi 10Seattle si possono creare in modo semplice delle bellissime applicazioni per Mac OSX e iOS, sarò di parte ma L’IDE di Delphi ora è veramente eccezzionale; Per prima cosa è necessario configurare l’ambiente di sviluppo, installando tutto il necessario come ben documentato da Embarcadero. Una volta che il vostro ambiente è ben funzionante,…
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Hi, I think might be helpful, today for a customer i do the Haversine formulas for Firebird Sql as a stored procedure. This formula allow you to calculate the distance in meter between two WGS84 datum points(degree points of Earth). You can call the procedure like this: SELECT * FROM HAVERSINE_GENERIC(1, 45,474081, 9,179348, 45,456091, 9)…
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Remode Manager is a particular Web Server that lets you send commands to your Android device . All commands are interpreted by Remode simple http API . Among these controls are also APIs to read and write to a serial cable OTG . It is full done with Delphi 10Seattle except for an Extrnal jar…
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