Xtumble4Delphi – not a simple API framework

Xtumble library for Delphi
Xtumble4Delphi is native delphi library, cross platform ( Windows, Android, iOS, macOSX, Linux64) that allow you to integrate all cloud functonalitty of the XTumble platform in your application.
If you create an XTumble Account you can have a dedicated ERP, e-commerce, Cluod Drive, CRM Mail with SMTP and POS system in the cluod.
Creating an Xtumble account is free and you can use it for thirty days. If you write to us at info@xtumble.com, you can keep your account for free until you finish the development for your customers.
Xtumble is hosted on a powerful proprietary server farm and is able to scale according to your needs.
With Xtumble4Delphi you can simply integrate all these services in your Delphi application, using the skills you have from Delphi like dataset.
The main component of the library is the xtConnection that allow all comunication with the cloud, like a standard connection you only need to configure your Xtumble account profile (companyId, User, Password) and set connted to true to have access to all Xtumble Funtionality.
Some chracteristics:
Comunication protocol : https + json
Dataset tech: derived from FireDac Mem Table
Some example of wath you can do with Xtumble in your applications:
- Access to all Xtumble data (like contacts, articles, categories …) and manage all cluod service of Xtumble (ERP, e-commerce …)
- Manage the cluod drive where you can create folder, share big files and have a shared repository
- Sending mails without the need to configure stmp and so on.
Delphi 10.2 and greater