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VMWare Palyer disabilitare sospensione automatica

Digital Innovation Partner

VMWare Palyer disabilitare sospensione automatica

Con VMWare Player per disabilitare la sospensione automatica di una macchina virtuale, bisogna editare il file .vmx ed aggiungere la seguante riga:

suspend.disabled = “TRUE”

dalla documentazione originale:

To disable the suspend feature for a virtual machine in VMware Fusion:

Shutdown the virtual machine.
Locate the virtual machine bundle. For more information, see Locating the virtual machine bundle in VMware Fusion (1007599).
Press Ctrl and click the virtual machine bundle, then click Show Package Contents.
Open the .vmx file for editing in a text editor. For more information, see Editing the .vmx file for your VMware Fusion virtual machine (1014782).
Add this line to the .vmx file:

suspend.disabled = “TRUE”

Save and close the .vmx file.
Restart the virtual machine.

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