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DotNet tips , change onmouseover cursors … with some strange problems with browsers

Digital Innovation Partner

DotNet tips , change onmouseover cursors … with some strange problems with browsers

as all of us that work with DotNet to producing Web Application and fight with company styles, some times we need to change some attributes of style in a page….

now i need to change the cursor pointer from ‘default’ to ‘hand’ on a asp button, as we now with di MS DotNet framework 2.0 we can do this :

using “onmouseover” attibutes , the can be used from code behind too usig attribues.add etc.. with explorer 8.0 it was al good when i select the buttun the cursor change all well , but with firefox the cursor remain the ‘Default’… ach…

i found on internet that you need to use “pointer” end not ‘hand‘ like this

stay tuned to next tip
bye ivan

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