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Eclipse Portable

Eclipse Portable

Eclipse splash
I actually work with a unprivileged machine (that’s a common situation in big company), but i want to work with eclipse on that machine!!!
Eclipse isn’t a problem, you can install just unpacking it! but when i launch the application an error message is displayed “you java JVM (1.4.2) isn’t suitable for this product”.
I don’t want to call the help desk to install a newer jvm, so i do a simple attempt.
I create a dir on my usb stick, i.e: \EclipsePortable\
I copy the \eclipse\ application inside \EclipsePortable\
I copy the jdk 1.5 root directory from another machine to \EclipsePortable\
Run the following command (or create a bat file) inside \EclipsePortable\:

.\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm .\jdk1.5.0_16\bin\javaw.exe


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