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Autore: Riccardo

Top contents ever @ Synaptica

The following table shows top viewed articles on this site from its born. Page Title Perc. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS + openjdk6 + apache-tomcat-6.0.18 at Synaptica 24,8% Eclipse 3.4 + SVN + Tomcat 6.0 + ZK at Synaptica 11,7% Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 e wifi Intel 5100 on Vaio sr21m at Synaptica 11,4% Hotkeys setup on Sony…
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Sync two directories with rsync and ssh through the internet

Hello, we want to sync two directories in two different server that are connected to the internet. We want to use ssh as channel protocol because we already have the firewall rules to connect and because it is encrypted. First of all we need that machine A will connect to machine B without password asking,…
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Found a bug! tracked!

First bug that i have found in a relevant library that is zk. I added it on the sourceforge bug database. This bug affect not the current release (5.0) , but a previous one (3.6). The problem is that the 2 version of the java framework are both mantained due to the different licensing schema…
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L’Open Source è illegale

Il titolo provocatorio del post è subito spiegato, è la frase che mi sono sentito dire da un dirigente all’interno di una multinazionale europea! Ovviamente intendeva che c’è una direttiva di casa madre che vieta alle succursali nazionali di utilizzare prodotti Open Source, perchè le multinazionali vogliono avere un Vendor di riferimento per il loro…
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Simplest working example of REST json and xml

Hello folks, Today i will show you a complete working REST example with Glassfish V3. I am very happy of the new java EE 6 specification that brings me to use EJB technology. Before now i never used EJB cause there was too much complexity in configuration. Now you have to use only few annotation and…
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Manage two gateway in the same network

We have two internet connection, the servers must use by default router A, clients machine use router B. All the computer have to be reachable in the local network. We cannot modify configuration of router B that expose DHCP. Our “not so elegant” solution is to map router A in the same network of router…
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